This article provides information about appeal processes which ensures members have a fair opportunity to contest decisions they believe are incorrect.
At some point in your membership, you may disagree with a decision regarding the eligibility of a bill. You can request a review by REDEEM™ HealthShare Ministry to ensure the medical records were correctly interpreted and the guidelines were properly applied.
If after the initial review, you still disagree with the decision, you have 90 days to request a review by a Member Appeal Panel established by REDEEM™ HealthShare Ministry, see Guidelines – IV.B. Sharing Appeal.
The member appeal panel consists of seven to 13 members. You may submit a written position statement to the panel. The Ministry will schedule a teleconference so the panel can ask questions to both you and REDEEM. A simple majority vote by the panel determines the final decision.
Additional disputes
If you have an issue related to membership requirements related to payment of shares or your integrity, you can appeal to the Institute for Christian Conciliation. You can appeal to the Board of Directors for other disputes, and they will make the final, non-appealable decision.
As a member of REDEEM, reading and understanding the Sharing Guidelines is important.