We believe the following Biblical principles are basic to the life of every believer; therefore foundational to our health care sharing ministry:
Jesus Christ is our Provider for every need.
As the Creator of all things, He is the only One with all the resources necessary to meet every need that occurs in His creation.
Our needs are more than physical.
Human beings are more than just a collection of cells, and we have needs that go beyond the physical body. Our members come together to meet the financial, physical, and spiritual aspects of each medical need.
God has made us stewards of His resources.
As a first line of defense, members of the Body of Christ are responsible for using the resources they’ve been given by God to care for themselves, their families, and others.
Our local Christian church offers us support.
We seek to support and supplement the local Body, not replace it. We depend on local Christian church leaders to provide accountability for the REDEEM members under their care.
Mankind is the crown of His Creation.
Because we bear the image of God, we are to respect all human life at all stages of development. Therefore, we live according to Biblical principles in all aspects of our lives by treating our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.