Understanding and printing the details of your Explanation of Sharing

An Explanation of Sharing (EOS) details your healthcare costs and savings and shows you the amount other members shared to help pay your medical expenses.

Understanding the details of your Explanation of Sharing

The EOS is a document you receive as a member of REDEEM™ HealthShare Ministry. It helps you understand your medical bills and any direct monetary responsibility you may have for paying your medical bill. This amount is your Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) and any co-share you might have.

The details of your EOS statement show:

  • both the eligible and ineligible amounts of your medical bill.
  • any discounts applied to your original bill resulting from agreements with healthcare providers to lower your costs.
  • the shared amount of your bill.
  • any personal responsibility you owe for your medical bill.

Printing a copy of your Explanation of Sharing

You will receive a hard copy of your EOS through the US mail. However, you may find yourself needing a copy and don’t have one available.

To print a copy of your EOS, follow these steps:

  1. Sign into REDEEM™ HealthShare, the Member Center displays. 
  2. In the menu, click My Medical Bills.
  3. Click Monitor Bills (Existing).
  4. Near the top of the screen, click the Completed tab and the household bills display.
  5. Select the specific bill you need, the details of that bill displays at the left.
  6. Click Download EOS. The availability to download your EOS may take several days.