Guidelines - V.B, V.C. Monthly Share Notice and Account Management

B. Monthly Share Notice

REDEEM HealthShare members will receive a Monthly Share Notice through the VSE Platform to inform them and remind them of the monthly amount that they are to contribute. The monthly amount that you are to contribute (your Total Share Amount Due) is based on the REDEEM HealthShare program Level that you have selected.

The amount specified in your Monthly Share Notice is transferred through an EFT drawn off your External Bank Account or a credit card. EFTs are always for the “Total Share Amount Due.” The “Total Share Amount Due” is displayed on every Monthly Share Notice, and it will include the current Monthly Share Amount, any Past Due Amounts, and any relevant Service Fees.

The Total Share Amount Due may be paid manually within the VSE Platform. You will have the ability to add, edit, and delete your Recurring EFTs, as well as your linked External Bank Account or credit card, at any time.

C. Account Management

Your Share Account is a financial account that you own and control. You will have the ability to add, edit, and delete your EFT settings, as well as your linked External Bank Account or credit card, at any time.