Guidelines - VII. Appendix A. Governance

REDEEM is governed by Samaritan Ministries’ nine-member Board of Directors, all of whom are members. Six of the Board members are elected by the membership. Each Board member’s term is for three years. None of the elected Board members have a financial or employment interest in REDEEM or Samaritan Ministries. No Board members receive financial compensation for their service as Board members, except for reimbursement of expenses incurred attending the meetings. The Board has three regularly scheduled meetings each year and additional special meetings as needed.

Members nominate candidates and vote by mail. Elections are announced to the membership and held each fall. The qualifications for Board members are available upon request. Samaritan Ministries founder, Ted Pittenger, is a permanent Board member and will appoint the other two Board members.

If the elected positions are contested, the two candidates receiving the most votes are elected. A candidate only receiving a plurality will be the winner unless the Board determines that a runoff should occur between the highest candidates. If there is only one candidate for each position, members will be provided with a “Yes/No” ballot, and each candidate must receive a simple majority of the votes cast to be elected.

To be eligible for Board membership, nominees must agree with the Bylaws doctrinal statements, including the following Board member Statement of Faith:

  • I believe the Bible alone is the inspired Word of God; therefore it is the final and only source of absolute spiritual authority.
  • I believe in the triune God of the Bible. He is one God Who is revealed in three distinct Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • I believe Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and continues to be such even after His resurrection—fully God and fully man. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, was bodily resurrected on the third day, and now is seated in the heavens at the right hand of God the Father.
  • I believe that all people are born with a sinful nature and can be saved from eternal death only by grace alone, through faith alone, trusting only in Christ’s atoning death and resurrection to save us from our sins and give us eternal life.
  • I believe in the bodily resurrection of all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ, and the bodily resurrection to judgment of all who have not.
  • All I believe and do should be for the glory of God alone.