The Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) is the dollar amount a household must pay toward their own eligible medical bills during a 12-month period.
Members select their AUA amount during the application process. You can change your AUA amount on the anniversary of your membership date. A switching fee may apply. For specific information about your AUA, see Sharing Guidelines.
Once the household meets the AUA and the co-share (if applicable) then REDEEM™ HealthShare can publish the eligible medical bills for sharing.
Essential Program
For members in the Essential Program all eligible medical bills are subject to both the AUA and the co-share amount of eligible medical bills. For information specific to the co-share, see Guidelines – II.E. Key HealthCare Sharing Terms.
For members in the Enhanced Program all eligible medical bills are subject to the AUA amount. There is no co-share amount.
Senior Saver Program:
For members in the Senior Saver Program, see Guideline III. G: REDEEM Senior Saver for information about the AUA amount.
As a member of REDEEM™ HealthShare Ministry, reading and understanding the Sharing Guidelines is important.