Using telemedicine

This article provides the information you need when seeking a doctor’s care through telemedicine.

As a member of REDEEM™ HealthShare, when you or a family need non-emergency care, you have access to telemedicine using an approved Telehealth provider through the Member Center. Your Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) or co-share do not apply for telemedicine appointments. Only telehealth visits done via the Member Center are eligible for sharing.

NOTE: If you go directly to the MDLIVE site and not through the Member Center, you will be charged a consultation fee.

Scheduling an appointment

When you need to schedule an appointment for you or a family member, Telehealth offers a convenient and affordable option to get medical care without requiring an in-office visit. 

To schedule a medical visit, follow these steps:

In the menu, click Telehealth, the who needs help today? page displays.

  1. Sign into REDEEM™ HealthShare, the Member Center automatically opens.
  2. From the menu, click TeleHealth, the Who needs help today? page displays.
  3. Choose the member who requires care, the Request an appointment page opens.
  4. Click Get Started.
  5. Complete the questions on the Select the State and Type of Service page.
  6. Follow the prompts. The pathway buttons display a check mark to indicate that you have completed the appropriate step.

    Prescription process

    When the provider determines that you need medication, he or she can write a prescription for a non-narcotic medication only (non-controlled substances). The provider can send the prescription request directly to the pharmacy of your choice.

    If your pharmacy is unable to receive e-prescriptions, the provider can generate a traditional prescription to sign and fax to the pharmacy of your choice.

    Treating you through a telemedicine visit

    The following is a list of some of the common conditions that telemedicine (through MD LIVE only) may treat:

    • Common cold
    • Allergies
    • Constipation
    • Cough
    • Diarrhea
    • Fever
    • Flu
    • Headache
    • Vomiting
    • Pink eye
    • Sore throat