This article provides the information you need when seeking a doctor’s care through telemedicine.
As a member of REDEEM™ HealthShare, when you or a family need non-emergency care, you have access to telemedicine using an approved Telehealth provider through the Member Center. Your Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) or co-share do not apply for telemedicine appointments. Only telehealth visits done via the Member Center are eligible for sharing.
NOTE: If you go directly to the MDLIVE site and not through the Member Center, you will be charged a consultation fee.
Scheduling an appointment
When you need to schedule an appointment for you or a family member, Telehealth offers a convenient and affordable option to get medical care without requiring an in-office visit.
To schedule a medical visit, follow these steps:
In the menu, click Telehealth, the who needs help today? page displays.
- Sign into REDEEM™ HealthShare, the Member Center automatically opens.
- From the menu, click TeleHealth, the Who needs help today? page displays.
- Choose the member who requires care, the Request an appointment page opens.
- Click Get Started.
- Complete the questions on the Select the State and Type of Service page.
- Follow the prompts. The pathway buttons display a check mark to indicate that you have completed the appropriate step.
Prescription process
When the provider determines that you need medication, he or she can write a prescription for a non-narcotic medication only (non-controlled substances). The provider can send the prescription request directly to the pharmacy of your choice.
If your pharmacy is unable to receive e-prescriptions, the provider can generate a traditional prescription to sign and fax to the pharmacy of your choice.
Treating you through a telemedicine visit
The following is a list of some of the common conditions that telemedicine (through MD LIVE only) may treat:
- Common cold
- Allergies
- Constipation
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Flu
- Headache
- Vomiting
- Pink eye
- Sore throat