Changes to your Share Amount

At times, changes in your life may cause an adjustment to your membership which may change the amount you pay each month for Shares. The main membership factors that cause a change in your monthly Share amount are:

  • annual adjustments made based on the age of the oldest member in your household.
  • switching programs.
  • changing the Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) level.
  • adding or removing members from your membership (birth, adoption, child aging out).
  • changes in marital status or loss of employment

The cost calculator can help you understand how making changes to your membership would change the Monthly Share Amount based on the program choice and the AUA amount you choose.

See Guidelines - I.E. Changing Programs for more information about making changes to your REDEEMâ„¢ HealthShare program choice or your AUA. Changing programs or AUA levels requires a switching fee.

As a member of REDEEM, reading and understanding the Sharing Guidelines is important.