Eligibility requirements for sharing when seeing a medical specialist

 REDEEM™ HealthShare Ministry memberships include visits to specialists. Members must adhere to these eligibility requirements for sharing:

  • The condition, injury, or illness must have developed after the start of your membership.
  • A qualified healthcare provider orders the visit:
    • Medical Doctors (M.D.)
    • Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.)
    • Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.)
    • Nurse Practitioners (N.P. or A.P.R.N.)
    • Physician Assistants (P.A.)
  • You must submit all properly coded and documented bills within 12 months of the date of specialty visit service using the online submission tool, see Submitting your medical bills for more information. 

As a member of REDEEM, reading and understanding the Sharing Guidelines is important.