Cost Calculator

Community Savings

Discover how REDEEM™ HealthShare not only supports your health but also helps you save. Join our faith-based community and see the difference compassionate, shared care can make for you and your family.


See how much you can save in 2 simple steps

A few details to consider:

Annual Unshareable Amount (AUA)

The portion that a membership has to pay each year towards their eligible medical bills before sharing starts.



A percentage of a membership's medical costs that are not shareable even after their AUA has been met. The Co-Share applies to REDEEM Essential only, not to exceed an annual amount of $5,000.


Before joining

Before joining, please review the Membership Requirements, Statement of Faith, and Sharing Guidelines. REDEEM HealthShare is not insurance; you can join anytime of the year.


A few details to consider:

Annual Unshareable Amount (AUA): The portion that a membership has to pay each year towards their eligible medical bills before sharing starts.
Co-Share: A percentage of a membership's medical costs that they will pay for even after their AUA has been met. The Co-Share applies to REDEEM Essential only, not to exceed an annual amount of $5,000.
Before joining, please review the Membership Requirements, Statement of Faith, and Sharing Guidelines. REDEEM HealthShare is not insurance; you can join anytime of the year.
The perfect add-on to REDEEM™ Essential, Enhanced, or SeniorSaver. 
Choose FlexShare for expanded sharing for pre-existing conditions, mental health services, alternative treatments, dental and vision care, and more!

Administrative & Program Fees

Minimal administrative and program fees from each Sharing portion supports ministry operations and programs; the remaining amount directly assists other members with medical expenses.

Application fee
There is a non-refundable startup fee of $100.

Switching fee
Members switching between programs are required to pay a non-refundable switching fee of $100.


couple looking at computer screen

Join the REDEEM HealthShare Community

Experience health care sharing with Christian values, affordability, and freedom to choose your providers